Mar 28Liked by Kevin Indig

Hi Kevin,

Some of your old articles are lost in migration process. Are you planning to repost them on your substack?

I am asking as on one of your podcasts you mention that just writing good content isn't enough and we need to measure it. And your post "How the best companies measure content" is missing.

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Mar 25Liked by Kevin Indig

What's your opinion on doing things just if it's known whether Google likes it? I really cannot hear the discussions about having author profiles anymore. Knowing who wrote an article and being able to check believability,etc. is never a bad thing.

Or EEAT as a concept. What's not to like about a framework that tries to emphasize Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness? :D

Reply via a comment here or message you? I would love to come to Eindhoven! :)

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