I always go back to this article whenever I'm working on a pitch or prepping for an interview. It's just that good! Plus, my name is in it, so that makes me super happy.

Can we also add 1 more point in this? - Value of SEO beyond traffic and leads.

I read an article from Moz about this. It explained how SEO data can help other teams too. I used an image from the article in a pitch I shared.

Here's the article: https://moz.com/blog/value-of-seo-whiteboard-friday

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Thanks so much, Nilesh!

tell me more about the article and how SEO helps other teams to :).

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We can help all the teams with the large data we have.

1. Brand team - Share branded search reports with them. Now all the companies have brand management & brand marketing team and their job is to grow the brand. So let's say they are running a big campaign on TV, billboards, etc. to launch/promote a certain product/category. The campaign is around 1 month and after that we can check how much branded search has improved and what is the impact on overall revenue. By this way they will also understand more about SEO and come out of their black box thinking. And I think brand searches have the biggest impact on non-branded searches and clicks as well. Yesterday i was preparing a deck for interview and was checking keyword rankings for their money keywords. they were ranking in between 20-40 for all their money keywords but the brand is so well known that they have more searches than someone ranking on 5th position, which is strange. So if i improve their ranking from 22nd to 4th position they will get good number of traffic, but i can't take the full credit for that clicks. I have increased the rankings but the clicks are also dependent on how well known the company is. This is more in ecommerce I think and that's why the big guys always dominate. Take myntra for example, they rank for pretty much for all the fashion keywords and for some beauty product keywords as well, and they have more clicks than someone ranking on 1st position. And that's why I want to work in-house as there are so many teams and they have to work cross-functionally. And we have the most data so we can help all the teams. My end goal is to move in brand team (brand management + brand marketing, i want to work in both the teams) and when I become one I'll have the advantage that i know how to read GA reports and understand the data. Now brand managers are supposed to know performance marketing data and they're given access of GA4 + they don't understand the value of it.

2. Social media - For the same brand I checked a category keyword and in 2nd scroll a lot of instagram videos came. When I checked the videos I observed the keywords they were using. Now this is a trend on instagram that at the end of caption creators put few keywords for which they want to rank for. This is usually done in brackets, so if we give social media & influencer marketing few keywords from our database & Google trends then it will help them to get more views.

3. PPC team - now here is an exchange of keywords, which are converting more, which category/product is in demand, what is selling more, what are there observations from the last 6 months or 1 year. By this way we can guide our strategy in a much better way. Now in one of your videos you mentioned how checking which category is more important business wise, where we have an upper hand, where we are not strong, etc. and this data we can get from performance team as it's fast and they a lot more testing than us.

4. Design and copywriting team - We can share heatmap insights for where users are clicking, they are not clicking, how much are they scrolling, time spent on site. now I was recently checking https://purple.com/ and observed that more than stuffing keywords they have beautifully designed everything and it makes you go deep into the site and explore. Now I have never heard about the site, I was checking for an indian personal care brand purplle and came across this site as purple was also ranking. As I was exploring the site more I spent good 30-35 mins reading the reviews, reading product page content, etc. and understood this is not done by only seo team giving them content. Here design + brand + copy team was heavily involved. One good thing about them is that they have created "vs" page which is generally used bytech brands. This was new to me. you also mentioned similar thing me once as there are so many ecomm brands now, differentiating is becoming difficult. So by creating vs and alternatives page we are explaining our differentiating factor.

5. Tech team - to create better structures so a lot of problems don't happen when we scale.

6. UX team - i guess they are also involved in designing

7. Product team - By giving them our analysis of what is working in the market, what our comp. offers that we don't, what is our lever, how we can create something better.

8. Email and automation - I don't know much about them, so can't anything

This is from my observation + article.

I have also observed when you work in agency you tell how much revenue is generated from SEO, hire me. But when you work in-house you understand the big picture. Correct me if I am be wrong here.

(Guess what? I just landed a job at Kevin's SEO services!)

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